Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I feel so annoyed!!!

What on earth would a guy behave like him?
Why cant he just settle things by himself?
And why cant he be just a little bit humble?

Im not a story listener and I dont have to if I dont want to.
What makes you think that I would have to listen to all your craps?
Your stories are so boring!!!
And yet you still think that you have hell of a great stories!!
OMG!!! Wake up man!!!

I mean why should I tolerate.
You have your own space and privacy.
Therefore, Im hoping the same for me from you.
But you have been interfering my life and my routine.
It makes me feel so irritated!!!

Damn it!!!
Im angry yet I've to hold my fire back!!!
5 more months to go...
Hope I do have that power to control myself!!!
